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22 augustus 2023
1 min reading time

Change service EHerkenning per 01-09-2023

Change service EHerkenning per 01-09-2023

From September 1, 2023, your EHerkenning service to access  the MyVertiCer application will change. You currently log in via EHerkenning using the service "Login MyCertiQ" by company "CertiQ B.V." As of September 1, this will no longer be possible because CertiQs Chamber of Commerce number no longer exists after the merger with Vertogas.

You will continue to use EHerkenning. For reaching the VertiCer application from September 1 onwards, you must select the service "Login MyVertiCer" from "VertiCer B.V." at EHerkenning.
The level of assurance
remains unchanged. The administrator of your EHerkenning account within your organization can help you further with this authorization starting September 1, 2023.

If an intermediary handles your VertiCer affairs, would you be kind enough to forward this message to your intermediary? 

We do understand that this might cause any inconvenience for which we apologize. 

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