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01 juli 2024
1 min reading time

Fix REN (Portugal) successfully implemented

REN (Portugal) has successfully deployed a fix to the problems with their registry. Imports and exports are allowed again.

28 juni 2024
2 min reading time

Retroactive registration possible again

As a producer, you will receive guarantees of origin and/or certificates of origin. One of the conditions for this is that you re-register your production installation (if it has a capacity ≥ 15 kW) every five years. Through this message, we would like to alert you to an important change in the registration process for your production installation.

26 juni 2024
1 min reading time

No import and export possible to and from Portugal

We regret to inform you that due to a problem in REN's corporate middleware system, the Portuguese registry is currently experiencing communication problems with AIB HUB, affecting imports and exports.

26 juni 2024
1 min reading time

Change of directors effective July 1, 2024

On July 1, 2024, Roelf Tiktak will step down from VertiCer. Roelf led Vertogas and was also behind the merger between Vertogas and CertiQ. The VertiCer team thanks Roelf for his efforts, but especially for the human and personal element he brought to forming the team.

01 juli 2024
Fix REN (Portugal) successfully implemented
28 juni 2024
Retroactive registration possible again
26 juni 2024
No import and export possible to and from Portugal
26 juni 2024
Change of directors effective July 1, 2024
Articles 21 results
Fix REN (Portugal) successfully implemented
01 juli 2024
1 min reading time
Fix REN (Portugal) successfully implemented
REN (Portugal) has successfully deployed a fix to the problems with their registry. Imports and exports are allowed again.
Retroactive registration possible again
28 juni 2024
2 min reading time
Retroactive registration possible again
<strong><em></em></strong>As a producer, you will receive guarantees of origin and/or certificates of origin. One of the conditions for this is that you re-register your production installation (if it has a capacity ≥ 15 kW) every five years. Through this message, we would like to alert you to an important change in the registration process for your production installation.
No import and export possible to and from Portugal
26 juni 2024
1 min reading time
No import and export possible to and from Portugal
We regret to inform you that due to a problem in REN's corporate middleware system, the Portuguese registry is currently experiencing communication problems with AIB HUB, affecting imports and exports.
Change of directors effective July 1, 2024
26 juni 2024
1 min reading time
Change of directors effective July 1, 2024
On July 1, 2024, Roelf Tiktak will step down from VertiCer. Roelf led Vertogas and was also behind the merger between Vertogas and CertiQ. The VertiCer team thanks Roelf for his efforts, but especially for the human and personal element he brought to forming the team.
Maintenance from June 30, 11:30 p.m. to July 1, 8:30 a.m.
25 juni 2024
1 min reading time
Maintenance from June 30, 11:30 p.m. to July 1, 8:30 a.m.
Due to maintenance on our portal (from June 30, 11:30 p.m. to July 1, 08:30 a.m.), it will not be possible to log into MyVertiCer to log in to your account or production installation, view your data, upload your report or submit a change.
Periodic invoicing for Green Gas producers
24 juni 2024
1 min reading time
Periodic invoicing for Green Gas producers
If you have an account with VertiCer as a producer for Green Gas, we will charge you for issuing Guarantees of Origin (certificates).  Due to circumstances, Green Gas producers have not (yet) received an invoice for this from VertiCer for 2024.
Maintenance from July 2, 19:00 hrs. until July 3, 09:00 hrs.
21 juni 2024
1 min reading time
Maintenance from July 2, 19:00 hrs. until July 3, 09:00 hrs.
<strong></strong>Due to maintenance on our applications (from July 2, 7:00 p.m. to July 3, 9:00 a.m.), it will not be possible to log into the trading portal, submit fuel percentages or view readings. 
VertiCer investigates possibility of accepting Bulgarian Guarantees of Origin for electricity
15 mei 2024
1 min reading time
VertiCer investigates possibility of accepting Bulgarian Guarantees of Origin for electricity
VertiCer is investigating whether the new energy legislation in Bulgaria is in line with European and Dutch laws and regulations for Guarantees of Origin (GOs).
Clarifying billing rates 2024
22 maart 2024
1 min reading time
Clarifying billing rates 2024
The Ministerial Regulation on Guarantees of Origin contains the 2024 tariffs for the creation, cancellation, transfer, import and export of GOs. This Regulation also contains the membership fee.<em><em></em></em>
Greece full member of the AIB !
15 maart 2024
1 min reading time
Greece full member of the AIB !
Greece is now a "Full member of the Electricity Scheme Group." Greek traders will have to become members of the Greek registry DAPEEP and accept DAPEEP's terms and conditions in order to trade GOs through the AIB HUB.
22 February 2024: the messaging schema of the Guarantee of Origin (GO) for electricity will change
19 februari 2024
1 min reading time
22 February 2024: the messaging schema of the Guarantee of Origin (GO) for electricity will change
The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) has developed a new messaging schema (V80) for GOs. VertiCer imports and exports GOs for electricity through the AIB hub. The GOs transferred through the AIB hub must comply with the same rules. Therefore, VertiCer is obliged to implement this messaging schema.
Fix REN (Portugal) succesfully deployed
19 februari 2024
1 min reading time
Fix REN (Portugal) succesfully deployed
REN succesfully deployed a fix for the issues with their registry.