Guarantees of Origin
What are Guarantees of Origin?
A Guarantee of Origin (GoO) is a digital certificate that serves as proof that the energy carrier in question has a sustainable origin. A GoO stands for 1 MWh of sustainably generated energy. The certificate includes information about the energy source, the production installation and the production date and place.
Suppliers can thus demonstrate that the energy they supply comes from a sustainable source. VertiCer is the point of contact in the Netherlands for the issue of GoOs for sustainable energy carriers: electricity, thermal energy, green gas and green hydrogen.
What are Certificates of Origin?
A Certificate of Origin (CoO) is proof that electricity was generated from fossil sources. CoOs work in the same way as GoOs.
A CoO represents 1 MWh of non-sustainably generated electricity. The certificate includes information about the energy source, the production installation and the production date and place. VertiCer is the office for issuing CoOs in the Netherlands.

The operation of GoOs and CoOs
A producer of (renewable) energy can register a production installation with VertiCer. The metering responsible party (grid operator or metering company) establishes this registration. After the production installation has been established and registered with VertiCer, the grid operator or metering company sends the metering values to VertiCer. For each MWh generated by your installation, VertiCer issues a Guarantee of Origin or Certificate of Origin, if the applicable conditions have been met.
The certificates contain information about where, when and from which source the energy was generated. One GoO/CoO is good for 1 MWh and is valid for one year after the month in which the energy was generated.
With GoOs and CoOs, you contribute to the energy transition. The more visibility there is on exactly what energy is being generated, the more consciously consumers and companies can choose what kind of energy they want to consume. Explicitly opting for sustainable energy is thus encouraged.

What can I do with a GoO or CoO?
A trader can trade GoOs and CoOs across Europe. The GoOs and CoOs can be charged by traders to an end user or to the NEa for making HBEs.
A producer or individual can receive subsidies from the RVO if he has a subsidy decision. RVO uses information on the GoOs of a producer or individual for the subsidy.
Frequently asked questions
Rates can be found here.
Please note!!! Due to the new tariffs 2024, the tariff for the "Creation of GvO Thermal and Electricity" on the invoice has been harmonised with Green Gas and Hydrogen. As a result, the rate for all energy carriers per GvO will be €0.010 in total being €0.005 for creation and €0.005 for transfer to the trader.
The manuals can be found at 'Downloads'.
All information about eRecognition can be found on the eHerkenning website.
You can object to a decision made by VertiCer (e.g. issuing certificates). You can submit your objection within 6 weeks of the decision to:
VertiCer B.V.
PO Box 99, 9700 AB GRONINGEN
Email address: [email protected]
A notice of objection must be signed by you and contain at least:
- the name and address of the produce
- the date
- a description of the decision
- the grounds for the objection
When a notice of objection has been filed, you may, in urgent cases, apply for a preliminary injunction and/or suspension of the decision to the Interim Injunction Judge of the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal, PO Box 20021, 2500 EA The Hague.
We are there for you.
We are happy to help you. View the most frequently asked questions, or contact our service desk if you have not found the answer.