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28 juni 2024
2 min reading time

Retroactive registration possible again

Retroactive registration possible again

As a producer, you will receive guarantees of origin and/or certificates of origin. One of the conditions for this is that you re-register your production installation (if it has a capacity ≥ 15 kW) every five years. Through this message, we would like to alert you to an important change in the registration process for your production installation. 

What is the change?
As of October 2023 - due to new regulations - it was no longer possible to retroactively register production installations in VertiCer. We noticed a gap in the valid registration period of production installations where the relevant producers had failed to make a timely re-registration. As a result, no guarantees of origin were issued during this gap, with possible consequences for the determination of subsidies. For this reason, in consultation with our mandator, the Minister of Climate and Energy, we have decided to make retroactive registrations possible again. This new procedure will take effect on July 1, 2024.

What does this mean for you?
Have you not yet re-registered your production installation? Or have you (re-)registered your installation, but would have liked this (re-)registration to take effect on an earlier date? Then you can retroactively register this production installation from January 1, 2023 at the earliest via our portal. You can make this adjustment until January 1, 2025. Unfortunately, we cannot do this for you; therefore, you must do this yourself.

This creates an registration for the duration of the current gap, which must be approved by your grid operator in the usual way. After receiving the measurement data from the grid operator, we will still issue guarantees/certificates of origin for that period and send the production data to RVO.

Has your production installation not been validly registered in the period October 2022 to January 2023 (or part thereof), and do you want to change this? If so, please contact us by e-mail before January 1, 2025.

We will then ensure that your production installation is still registered for the relevant period. Your grid operator will have to approve this in the usual way. After receiving the measurement data from the grid operator, we will still issue guarantees/certificates of origin for that period and send the production data to RVO.

Are your data still up to date?
In the future, we would like to keep you informed of important developments via e-mail. Would you like to regularly check whether your data are still up to date? You can make changes yourself in the VertiCer portal.

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