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Frequently asked questions

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How can I view my readings?

You can access your measured values when logging into MyVertiCer. Choose your role in the menu bar with the appropriate energy carrier. You can access MyVertiCer via this page. 

What can I do if my readings are incorrect?

We receive your electricity and green gas readings via the grid operator. If, in your opinion, the readings are incorrect, please contact your grid operator about this.

We receive your thermal energy and hydrogen readings via the metering company. If, in your opinion, the measured values are incorrect, please contact your measurement company about this.

My metering device has changed significantly. What should I do?

If any significant changes are made to the metering or to the production installation, you must notify your measurement manager in good time. If necessary, the measurement protocol should be adjusted accordingly. Has the data changed? Then re-register your installation.

What are my reporting requirements?

An overview can be found in ‘Downloads’.  

What is a measurement protocol?

The measurement protocol describes your production installation, what energy flows there are and how these energy flows are measured. 

Content requirements for a measurement protocol are:

  • A description of the owner, location and connections, including the correct EAN codes of both the connection and the unique production installation EAN code;
  • An overview of the various facilities that make up the production installation;
  • The method of measurement, a description of accuracy and, if applicable, the necessary corrections;
  • The details of the authorised metering company, how the metering data is collected, validated and stored.

Your measurement protocol is valid for 5 years from the date of signature by your measurement officer.

If there are any significant changes to the measurements or to the production installation itself within this period, you must notify your measurement company in good time. If necessary, the measurement protocol must be adjusted accordingly and resubmitted to VertiCer.

What does a measurement protocol look like?

A sample measurement protocol can be found under 'Downloads'. 

My measurement protocol is about to expire. What should I do?

You will receive a message from us about 3 months before your registration expires. You can re-register your production installation including measurement protocol from then on.
If the measurement protocol expires, VertiCer will no longer issue Guarantees of Origin. You must re-register your production installation including measurement protocol.

What is a measurement report?

A measurement report contains measurement data and/or biomass flows used and thus substantiates energy production. An example of a measurement report can be found under  'Downloads'. 

What if I have submitted my measurement report or assurance report late?

If so, VertiCer applies a discount to your Guarantees of Origin and Certificates of Origin to be awarded. As a result, you will receive fewer certificates. You can appeal this decision.

What if I want to correct my submitted measurement data?

If you have an electrical production plant and you find that the submitted measurement values are incorrect or missing, please contact your grid operator. The grid operator can still send the missing values to VertiCer or correct incorrect values. 

You can resubmit your measurement data if the six-week statutory objection period has not yet expired. You can do this by objecting to VertiCer's decision.

If erroneous metering data for your generating plant were submitted by mistake and the 6-week statutory objection period has expired, you can only submit a new metering report under the following conditions: 

This is only possible if you can prove that the measurement report sent earlier contained one or more errors that cannot be blamed on you, the owner of the production plant, or your measurement company. Only then will VertiCer in principle be willing to consider the new metering report. In other cases, VertiCer will not consider the new report.

Who are the measurement officers?

These can be found in ‘Downloads’.

What are biomass percentages?

Not for all biomass plants the energy comes from one type of biomass. Several types of biomass and/or fossil fuels may be deployed. To certify the correct amount of energy, it is important to know what types of biomass and/or fossil fuels are used and in what energetic ratio. We express this in percentages.

How should I enter biomass percentages?

After the grid operator has sent in the measurement values for your installation (usually halfway through the month following the production month), you can enter the biomass percentages yourself in MyVertiCer.